Monday, June 6, 2011

4 Years...What??!

Wow. I had forgotten I'd even started this blog. I'm about to start a Wilton Basics cake decorating class tomorrow night at Michael's in Clairemont, and thought I'd document my progression through the courses. So I googled, "start a food blog" and was advised to go to So...transported I am to the first blog entry I had written friggin 4 years ago. Cripety cripes! Although, I must say, it does sound like me. At first, when I started to read the old entry, I thought it was one of those canned entries that you entirely replace with your own, original stuff. Like those fake photos on thin paper that adorn newly purchased picture frames. Although I can understand where I was at that time and why I hoped that no one would be reading my a way, I really don't mind now if anyone reads my blog. Or not. If someone mistakenly strays off the beaten path and lands on these pages, so be it. And hello. So much has happened in 4 years. Among the more notable things, I have refocused my TV watching repertoire to mainly include the new OWN network. Kind of redundant to say OWN network, since the N in OWN stands for 'network'. The Oprah Winfrey Network network. Okay....whatever. Maybe not such a notable thing, except I do watch a LOT of TV. Not good, I know. The other notable things are that I've become more interested in making and baking yummy stuff. Apple pies. I can now make a MEAN apple pie. Baking really good crusty bread. Making incredibly delicious kettle popcorn. Baking snickerdoodles. And now I'm going to start the Wilton Decorating Basics tomorrow night from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. I'm so excited :-) more notable thing that has happened is that I was diagnosed with Addison's disease about 2 years ago. The small change is that I have to take some hydrocortisone tablets each day. The big change is that my joints no longer ache, I have more energy, and I'm not nearly as depressed as I used to be...I still have my moments though. AND....I have only gotten sick ONCE in 2 years. I used to catch every single cold and contagious illness that happened by my direction, probably about once a month, or every other month, then BOOM! Down for 2 weeks. Yuk! So glad that's over with! now, my intention for this blog is to document my foray into the art, technique, and science of making cakes look REALLY pretty. Now what really happens may be another story entirely. But here goes. Oh! And, I'm working on my dueling voices still. Apparently, Oprah has indeed confirmed this duality in all of us. Here's a quote from the woman herself, " "There is the voice that everybody hears that is your parents' voice, your professor's [voice], it's the world's voice saying to you, "you should do this, you should be this, you ought to, you got to." And then there is the still small voice—for some people it's not so small—inside of every human being that calls you to something that is greater than yourself." So, in my world of dueling voices, for today, my better voice is edging out the competition. Hopefully this is the start of a long, albeit one-sided, conversation.

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