Monday, June 13, 2011

Pract-ICING does not make perfect

So I've been practicing my icing techniques this week. I'm glad I am since....I SUCK!  Really? Pushing icing out of a cone-shaped bag is hard? Well, no, it's not. But to do it well and not have it look like random smudges is going to take longer than I thought.

This next class, we're supposed to bring a fully iced cake and a simple design to do some tracing patterns which we will then decorate in class. I tried doing the cupcake pattern in the Course 1 Decorating Basics booklet. After practicing on wax paper about 10 times, I got a little bored and decided to change the pattern. I went online and found some simple coloring pages which I printed out. Here's my favorite girlhood product brand I used to LOVE perusing at the local Hallmark store:

Okay, now that I'm looking at the picture, it didn't turn out half bad. Keeping in mind that was even after HOURS of practice. So, I'm not sure which picture I will go with. I want to have a fluffier looking image. This turned out kind of flat. I might choose a puppy image for our dog, Otto. Or a bunch of bananas or a monkey, since the cake is banana nut. Oh the possibilities!

Oh! By the by, check out the cool apron my hubba hubba Jonas made:
Nothin' Says lovin' like somethin' from the oven :-)

I'm excited!!!

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